PMA Member
I do believe youth season has become my favorite. Last night my daughter Krista and I headed through the mud and slop to one of our favorite blinds. She had taken her first deer, a doe, from this spot last year. This year she would've taken a doe again, but was hoping for a shot at a buck. It was a very slow night until about 7:25 when deer appeared out of a nearby cornfield. The doe didn't stop, but this guy did. At 60 yards I whispered "right in the shoulder", and she hit the spot on a dime. He went down within sight...right where this picture was taken. She reluctantly agreed to don the "Iowawhitetail harvest hat" for the pic
Gotta love it when the kids fill the freezer early freeing up Dad to hunt antlers most of the season :way:
"Boo's" first buck...
"Boo's" first buck...