Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

First Decent Daylight Buck


Well-Known Member
Pulled a card last night and got the first image of a decent buck in daylight. Actually don't think I have any images of him all fall. Narrow frame but solid G-2's, 3's and good G4's. Three yr. old or is he possibly older??

I gotta put a post in for this cam location as the small tree that they are using for licking branches just sucks for cam positioning. Haven't got a decent full frame image all fall. Date and time are slightly off - maybe one day. Rookie :eek:
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I flunked the age test last time by 1 year on all my guesses so, I'll say he's 3.5 for some fun and another good laugh. He is a Dandy though. Very cool.
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