Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

First deer....


Shed Head!!!
This past Saturday my 14 year old son took his first buck. I was lucky enough to get it on video, however, I left my still camera at home and did not get any field shots of him and the deer. These were take after we got home and after he showered....

The deer was shot at 70 yards with a .270. It is a 100" 8 pointer. To say the least, it was a very proud moment for both of us when he took this great buck!!!!



Excellent! There's nothing like sharing the experience of a son or daughters 1st buck. No feeling like it! My son was 15 when he took his 1st bow buck, with a recurve, I'm still proud of that moment 12 years later. Congratulations on a fine buck young man, there will be many more to come.
Sorry, I did some re-arranging of my pictures today and did not change the path on this post....

They should be there now!!!!

Way to pass on the wonderful tradition.. I cannot wait to take my son out with me. nice story and pics.
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