Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

First for me


Life Member
Some of the cams I have built for folks have caught these....this is a first tho with setting up a cam and getting one to walk past. (Idid have a suspect case in IL 3 years ago tho)

What part of the state did the pic come from? Just curious as I am a biology teacher. I like to include stuff like this topics that I teach on population dynamics.
Nice shot Shredder!!!

A friend of mine was using my stand in southern Iowa last week and saw one walk past. Saw another one (or the same one) later from another stand. Can't wait to get down there myself.

Thanks for sharing!
Thats a great pic Shredder. As much as I hate housecats in the woods, I would love to have some of these cats around. I think its just a matter of time until they move north just like the turkeys have in the last 20 years.
This came from the southeast region....big timber areas are where they have been seen around here.
Nice picture! I agree with TimberPig - even though feral cats are a nuisance, I think it is cool that the bobcats are making a comeback.
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