Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

First pull of 2013


PMA Member
We had a couple of cams up over corn in the last week and got some nice pics. Several of the deer, bucks that is, were very recognizable and we only saw one shed buck on cam AND my son found an antler real close to where one of the cams was located. So I am fairly confident that the shed he found was from the "baldie" that we got pics of over the last week. (He found the shed on 1/12/13.) All of the other bucks we got on cam had both sides yet.


The shed Mark found. I think it looks like a real promising young guy with good tine length for such a young one.


This is a buck we call 8.9 since he has a short stub that would be a ninth point on his left side. We are glad to see he survived all of the seasons as we could have shot this buck at least three solid times this year. Sometimes they make it and sometimes they don't, but this one did! :way: He will likely be high on the priority list next year!


Another pic of 8.9, he was very regular for us last week on the cams, so he is staying close.


This is an unnamed 8 point that we also passed a couple of times, he has a nice body and could jump up for next fall.


With some corn on the ground and the warm temps later in the week last week guess what showed up. Now then, all my traps have been stored for the year and I thought I had trapped these suckers down to where it had been awhile since we had any show up on cams OR saw any fresh sign around. Who knows how far they came for an easy meal of dumped corn, but here they are. I am seriously considering "slinging some steel" next weekend and whacking these egg eaters! (In my best Bill Murray voice...) "Enjoy your meal Mr. Coon, enjoy your meal. hahahahaha

We had several other small and medium bucks too, as well as a fair number of doe/fawn too. No turkeys found the corn though, I think there are few more this year following the dry spring/summer, but numbers in our area are just a fraction of what they were 5 or so years ago for the big birds.
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