Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

First year in the states and first buck.


New Member
Hi all,

After jumping through nearly a years worth of hoops to immigrate from Australia I made it over with enough time for Iowa residency.

After passing up several bucks during bow season (and missing one great one) I managed to harvest my first buck on the second day of first shotgun season.

After the snow that morning I decided to lay out on a terrace on the edge of a bean field which turned out well but was miserable for the hours leading upto this guy as he decided to wait till the last 10 minutes of light to come out of the timber.

I would also like to thank all the members here. Reading threads on here gave some great advice.


Congrats Jason! What part of Australia did you come from?? I went to college for a while in Australia around Lismore (just south of Brisbane)
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!

I spent to first day of season in a stand and that was freezing. This cold is going to take some getting used to.

From the first time I heard the rustling in the timber and watched a small 6 point jump the fence and trot under my stand in bow season I realised I was addicted to whitetails!

BDAHMS, I was originally from Perth but with work I was posted around the country. You picked a beautiful part of the country to go to college, one of my favourite parts of the country.

Ironwood, whitetails are actually a VERY pleasant bonus. I met my wife whilst deployed and between the heat and wildlife she got over Australia pretty quickly so here we are.
She deer hunts too and after this season I am trying to figure ways of attracting more deer to our own measly 7 acres.

Thanks again for the welcome!
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