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Fish on a stick!!!!!!


PMA Member
Fish on a stick. UPDATE!!!

Gave this guy a tummy ache on the 1st shot. After a big run I got him pulled up to the boat but he took off after I bumped his nose with the net and the arrow pulled out. 30 minutes later I got close to him again but didn't know it was the same fish. I made a semi long shot count again. He made a short hard run but I managed to get him in the net the second time. After I had him in the boat I saw the 1st hole. Gangs of fun with a bow fer sure. 48 lbs of muscle is the best way to describe Grassies. They are suppose to great smoked so I fileted him out then cut into steaks. We'll see...............................

I smoked 4 steaks last weekend and they turned out pretty tasty. I marinated them in apple juice for 2 days then mixed up a sauce and kept coating the steaks as they smoked. The sauce was a little apple juice, real lemon, soy sauce, brown sugar, garlic and onion salt and coarse ground pepper. It was a sweet smoked flavor. The white meat was dry and flakey. I gave some to my dad and some to my neighbors and all gave a thumbs up. Gonna try some more with more spice this next time.


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I think I read where people like to freeze them first and/or soak them over night in milk to help with the flavor..... You might want to do a google search to pick up some tips.
I don't think you could pay me enough to eat a grass carp. Judging by how bad they stink I can't imagine they taste very good? Granted, you can smoke just about anything and it'll taste decent.
Well, hell a fish that size...how could a person miss.... Pffftt... Ha Just kidding. Sounds like some decent shooting on a big hunk of fish.

Let us know how it tastes when you get it done.
I don't know how it will turn out. From what I read on other bowfishing sights most people think they are great smoked. It does have a white dry meat along the back and side then it turns more pink towards the tail. I guess I figured I'll try it a few different ways and see what happens.
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