I guess I look at it this way. Although we've all heard stories about how the buck shot with the mechanical head went down in three seconds and sprayed blood for twenty feet on either side of the gaping holes in his midsection, we mostly DON'T hear of the ones lost or wounded with these heads. I've seen mechanicals that were destroyed when they hit shoulder sockets of deer and failed to penetrate more than an inch or two. Ive also seen where the mechanical head, with it's large cutting diameter lodged in the opposite shoulder (shot was almost straight down) so very little blood and a lost deer. They are great, I think, if all your shots are perfectly broadside and there is NO chance of even a tiny twig in your way. Eventually, I think a mechanical will dissappoint, whereas a solid fixed blade or two blade would have performed. I shoot Magnus 4 blades, I think they're great but the Muzzy and Thunderheads are super too. Have fun.