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fling an arrow at a coyote?


PMA Member
If given the chance in a hunt (bow), do you take a crack at a coyote, or just let him go on his merrily way?
Id try to smoke em!!! A coyote rug sounds nice
I shot at everything that moved and was in season last fall. Coyotes, coons, squirrels, squirrels, deer, squirrels, turkeys, rabbits, ground hogs. I say let it fly.
I have passed on a couple with my muzzleloader, but last year I was drawn back two different times when I saw them headed my way while bow hunting. They changed directions both times.
I shot at everything that moved and was in season last fall. Coyotes, coons, squirrels, squirrels, deer, squirrels, turkeys, rabbits, ground hogs. I say let it fly.

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A coyote is about the only thing I can't seem to connect on with a bow. I am 0 for 4 lifetime on them and all were narrow misses. YOU BET I flying an arrow towards the next one that gives me a chance!
If given the chance in a hunt (bow), do you take a crack at a coyote, or just let him go on his merrily way?

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I have never had a coyote within bow range, but a yote is on my list of “want to harvest species".

I got a fox once many years ago with my Bear recurve. And I have shot many squirrels and a few rabbits with a bow.

In 2004 I had three different bobcats under my stands in different locations. Same in 2005 I had three different Bobcats under my stand that year too. They were really wonderful to watch. Four of them were large males, and two were females. Last year I did not see any bobcats while bow hunting.

Since they are allowing a limited number of Bobcats to be harvested this year I do have a fur Harvest license in my pocket. I hope to get a Bobcat.
That should just be a given, had to many coyotes screw up a good bowhunt. I shoot two or three a year if I am lucky. It sucks that you lose 20 bucks every time you shoot one but it's worth it.
Fox get a pass when they go by becuase they are neat to watch if they hang around.

Coyotes I will fling at everytime I see. I still believe everything deserves a quick clean death so I have passed a few that were just over 45.

I am 1 for 1 on yote kills with my bow. They have screwed up way to many of my turkey hunts for me to let them pass...Nug
I shot one yote sleeping
Yep saw his ear twitch under a cedar tree while stalking. After I whacked him his buddy came running in to see what all the noise was
He sure had a hard time in that woven wire fence with a arrow in him
Had one come by at about 52 yards last year in my best stand. Now, I do not even practice out that far and I let it fly. Nailed him in the ass, he tumbled over, got up and ran over the terrace. A few hours later I left and there the dirty little thing was, dead as a doornail! I will never pass the chance.
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