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Flooding and bowfishing


PMA Member
OK, we have record flooding up and down the missouri river from the record release of water from the 5 dams in S.D. and Montana.Once we get everyone and their livestock out then its like, OK, "what are ya gonna do". My question is, with all these thousands of acres of flooded fields from 2-15 feet deep, that is supposed to be here for a few months, what are we gonna find for fish as the water starts to go down? As much water as they are dumping from the dams can larger fish wash out too? Are flooded fields considered navigateable water for a boat, as long as the current is still going in and out? Anybody been out yet shooting fish in the floodwater?
I was wondering the same thing. I see on the news where they say no boats are allowed on the river but I have the same question as you. Does that apply for the crop ground?
They have been catching northerns & sturgeon in the flooded parks in South Sioux already. I bet the bowfishing is going to be great in the fields on the Nebraska side. There's that big "pond" on the Neb side of the bridge that has been full for weeks now. It's gotta have some beasts in it. There are all kinds of fish in that river. And no motor boats allowed until it gets back in its banks. They don't want the wakes eating the levees. I think you could get away w/ a flatbottom on crop ground though.
Down here around Kansas City, the bowfishing along the MO river backwaters has been phenomenal! We have put more big grass carp in the boat in the last few weeks than we have in the last 5 years combined. And with the forecast the way it is, I see no end in sight for the fun. I feel bad for those living along the river and the farmers, hope they have flood insurance.
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