Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Food Plot business?


Well-Known Member
Antone know of anybody that disks up ground,,as in food plot disking? I have about an acre killed and ready for some kind of chewing up in SE Iowa, between Ottumwa and Fairfield.
No,,farmers in my area not interested,,unfortunately...-

Just tell em if they help you out and plant food plots.. it'll help keep the deer off of their own fields. ;)


I think his name is Jim Ward.. The one who has the Buckbeds video on youtube.. I think he does foodplots and TSI and whatnot for a living.
I know someone who lives in Moravia, but not sure if he would bite. If he did I have no idea what he would charge.
I know he said the ground is harder than a rock since it is so dry.
There is a guy in des Moines his name is Lonnie Hoyt. Last I knew he was doing it I'm not sure if he still is I can ask him if you would like. Ill probably see him this weekend. Pm me your info and ill try to get it to him
Obviously you don't understand that not all people have food plots in a close radius therefore they make trailers that you can load tractors on but thank you for the attitude to a guy that was responding to your question. Have a great day

Although I don't advertise (since I am busy enough without doing that!), I do several hundred acres of food plots and native grasses for customers each year. I have a commercial tiller and could knock that acre out pretty quick. I am between Mt Pleasant and Burlington so let me know if I can help you out. My number is 319-470-4449.

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