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Food plot clearing


Active Member
When clearing a food plot. After you clear the trees, where should you place the trees? Should you pile them up along edge of plot? Don't want the deer to get skittish with a bunch of downed trees around plot? I was thinking of lining edge of plot with down trees and leaving opening where I want deer to come out of woods at near box blind. Thoughts?
I would pile and burn. If you create hiding places for rabbits then coyote will be looking for rabbits at your food plot.
Another vote here to get rid of them. Brushpiles are attractive to predators, also groundhogs. A resident groundhog can consume more of your foodplot than you would imagine.
IMO - Depends on your goals. Just deer, or other wildlife as well?

Deer hunting wise:
- Place a few to create a pinch point near your blind.
- Position some of them to screen your entry.

Or burn them all and move on :)
Push into a ditch if one is available. It slows down water and erosion.

1. If burning, avoid doing so where you intend to plant. It will smoke the soil and nothing will grow.

2. Avoid boxing in foodplots. I see this all the time. Done minimally, no big deal. Done extensively.... mature bucks will avoid. They want escape routes in most directions.
Ive had success of using brush to funnel and screen food plots. I agree with above though you don't want to over do it. Put some thought into how you do it and don't create a total barricade. I cleared out a 2 acre area and used brush on maybe 25% and in one solid line laying at a circular 45 degree angle i that makes sense.
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