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For all you Friction Call users...


New Member
Hunters Specialties seems to have read my mind. For years I've struggled to find a good way to carry my friction calls while turkey hunting and ended up just using Ziploc bags. I was thinking there has to be a better way...and then I opened up the current issue of Outdoor Life and saw this:

The "Twin Pan Holster"


So I went to the computer and ordered one immediately ($10.99 from WingSupply.com). We'll give it a field test in a few weeks.
That is nice, I just have a camo pack that I wear around my waist and it holds a few friction calls, strikers, box call, coyote call (never know when you'll need it!!), range finder, flash light, and mouth call. It works OK for me.
I have had one for two years now. Mine is made by Avery outdoors but looks just like that one that HS has knocked off. They are handy but mine is not quite big enough for two custom size calls. I can't put both of my woodhavens in it, only one woodhaven and my HS 360 gt b/c it is smaller. Very effective and it keeps them dry, I recommend it.

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