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For all you shotgunners



What is the farthest distance you have shot at a doe/buck with your shotgun and killed it?

Just this last shotgun season I dropped a nice buck at 150 yards. Nobody believed me when I told them, but the buck dropped like a rock right where he stood. I know it was 150 yards because I even ranged it with my range finder!

I just thought it would be interesting to hear all yur guys's responses!
I took my last two gun bucks at 75 and 92 yards. Winchester makes a round that if zeroed at 150 yards it is low 2" at 175 and never higher than 3" down to zero. I think I need to trade in the 1 1/2 power scope for a variable.
This is kind of a crazy story, but my first deer I ever shot was my longest with a shotgun. I was 14 and young and dumb, I had a Mossberg 12 gauge goose gun. It had a bent barrel and shot low, at 20 yards it shot 10" low, at 50 yard it was about 2 feet low and at a 100 yard it was about 5 feet low. Anyway I had just walked over a hill and a doe got up about 150 yard and took off running, I aimed about 10 feet high and let her fly, she dropped like a rock it was a Texas heart shot. I could not make that shot again with 100 chances! The gun was a goose gun and had a bead sight!!! Anyway it was a luck shot and I don’t take those shots anymore.

All three of my deer were taken with Winchester sabots at 65 - 75 yards. They shoot a nice pattern in my slug barrel.
My dads farthest was 180 yards with his hastings rifled slug barrel and scope shooting sabots, dropped her in her tracks

How does you dad like that hastings barrel? I have one on an 870 and I have never shot it. I hunt in a rifle zone. Does it shoot a pretty tight pattern? Any problems with it? What range does he site it in for?
Quack, my dad loved his hastings barrel when he used to shotgun hunt, he now muzzleloader hunts. He would always sight it in a little high at a 100 yards not too much, but he could put them all in a inch group with a gun rest, it was very impressive. he never had any complaints about it, says it was the best money he ever spent, try it, im sure you will love it
Thanks L4R,

I will have to go and try it out. I go tthe gun second hand for 150, with a scope, and gun case. My cousin has shot it a littel and said it is right on, but I just never have tried it.
i dropped my first shotgun (( buck )) at over 150 yards on a deadsprint hit him in the butt turned him and stuck one right behind his shoulder. My cuzin shot a buck this year at over 200 yards he just aimed High and dropped it dead in his tracks another hunting buddy of his was with him and he was unloading on it and they found the slug-- my cuzin was shooting regular slugs- the other guy had sabots and it was a regular slug in the buck and only 1 hole!!
Farthest shot with a slug was this year. Shot an absolute monster doe at 90 yards with my 20 gauge smoothbore with open, rifle sights. She was standing broadside, slightly quartering towards me and I had a nice, solid rest from my treestand. I have that gun sighted in at 2 inches high at 50 yards, so I lined up those sights right on her chest and killed her. Never underestimate a little 2 3/4 inch, 20 gauge slug!
My Dad shoots a 12 gauge with a rifled barrel and variable scope and has knocked over deer out to 150 yards plus. He shoots 3 in. Remington copper solids and man is it a tack driver!
The longest I have ever made was with a remington slugger with a remington express 2 3/4 1 oz slug the 135 inch eight point was 177 yards away and running flat out I aimed as high as his rack and out as far as his nose and the slug broke his back leg then I closed the distance to about 60 yards as he was making a run for it on 3 legs and put one behind the shoulder. When that deer rolled I could not believe it. I had three guys step the distance off while I gutted it so people would believe it. The longest shot I ever witnessed was a little over 190 yards as my dad shot at one off a fence post to fill our last tag. Are you ready for this? It was with a 20 gauge wingmaster with a bird barrel with a single bead on the end. I don't think he could do that again in 100 shots.
2002 season i shot one a little over 200yds. but it was luck because i missed the first shot and hit him with the second, this season i shot mine at 127yds.
I shouldn't have opened my big mouth but WHY would you take crazy shots like that? I don't want to get a crazy flame war going....just curious as to why you would even do it.
ive tried shots like that in my younger days just to see if i could.
AND I COULDN'T. SO now I try to get closer. That is the whole point of the game, isn't it, gettin' close to critters?
15 years old-- never killed nething with my shotgun -- nice buck ran out and i started unloaded hell on it. i figured i'd either miss it or get it, and i got it. i dont do shots like that nemore. the last 3 deer i killed after that have been within 5 to 10 yards actually. I figured hopefully send a slug up his butthole and he would stop and say wow that hurt, and let me walk up on him and shoot him again. i kno i'd stop if i had a slug up their!!! that was the younger days, and learn from the mistakes.. i guess i just got lucky and got him!!
150 yards running away
148 yds on a mature doe and split her between the blinkers. won't ever take a shot like that again as to many things can go wrong and wounding an animal just ain't worth it.
Nailed a doe at 168 yards last year and shot my buck at 146 yards, both dropped where they stood. I did retrieve my slug out of the buck, pretty cool to see those winchester plantuim tip slugs open up.
captain, my question for you is why not? I can see not shooting at a deer if it is on a dead sprint, but if it is standing there broadside and you have a good rest. . . the shot can easily be done. With todays high tech shotguns and rifled barrels, shots over 150 yards can be made with very good accuracy. If you were using a smoothbore with an open bead site, then no deffinately don't take the shot. But with a 3-9X44 scope on the shotgun and rifled barrel and good sabot slugs the shot can be made very easily if you have practiced the shot before and know how high to aim above the deer. If the equiptment is there, why not get the use out of all the money we have to spent to get such accuracy. I think humane shots can be made at deer over 150yards if you know how your equiptment works and if the deer is not moving. Just my input. Does anyone agree with me??
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