Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

For goatman

For Bonker

And now you're a goat fan? Are you running for President?
Pee Willy sez Hi!

Future diving goats.

I sat in Silky O'Sulivans for hours watching these goats expecting them to do something. I asked our server why they were called diving goats, are there other nationalities of diving goats other Irish? He replied with a exaggerated eye roll and said "You want fires with that?" So much for his tip.

I googeld "Irish diving goats" when I got home and came up with nothing. But of note, one of these goats was at the Bartman game. It also seems as if the goats were allowed to drink beer before PETA got involved.
Wonder if it is another name for fainting goats? Which is what my goats are. I saw a deer today. Now were legal to talk on here about goats. Also another nickname for deer is government goats.
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