Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

For you Fathers with daughters...

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With the girl I'm thinking about dating, her Dad might want this...
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Good stuff TH...I find if I'm running a hunting knife back and forth across a steel when the little shavers come to pick her up it tends to get their attention :D

Watch it Rowdy, don't be talk'in smack about my PMA turkey contest partner. Teenager always contributes great stuff.
I'm having a big red rubber stamp that says "DENIED" for this application. And if that doesn't get the point across, any one of 3 1911s should...
hah.. this reminds me of high school before one of the dances this girls dad pulls out this civil war musket and starts talking to me about it. I'm not sure if he was trying to scare me or what but if he was he probably should've used something that looked like it would actually fire
Ha ha I joke with my wife about this ask the time. The first time one of those little shavers comes for my daughter I will be cleaning my guns all laid out nicely, then ill ask for the application ha ha
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