Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Formal Apology to Skip and IW Members


PMA Member
I’ve realized that many times I’ve used the term “You” to make an argument that I thought was correct. I was wrong and I do apologize for that. Please know it wasn’t always about “you” personally but others that make the same argument but with very different intentions. I very much realize everybody here is brainstorming to try to think of things or ways to TRUELY make things better for ALL OF US!! I’ll freely admit i’m wrong on plenty of issues without a doubt!! All of us are!! Many of my opinions are not at all about the people on here spending time/brainpower/MONEY to try to make things better FOR ALL OF US!! I really do not believe any of us have bad intentions AT ALL! Unfortunately, I just also believe that for every one of us there are people sitting back in the shadows thinking of how they will position themselves to take advantage of every ounce of goodwill/access/opportunity to further their goals that may be totally different than ours. There’s only 140-170,000 resident IOWA deer hunters. There’s roughy 11+ million deer hunters in the country. Many of them are extremely jealous that us residents enjoy the privileges we currently do. The hunting industry is worth billions and billions of dollars. MANY, MANY!! in that industry are extremely jealous that WE have easier access to something they’d like a greater share of. They will without a doubt be watching everything we do and without a doubt will position their finances and lobbying efforts to take advantage of any opening they see.

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