Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Found a dead buck


Miles Coffin
Walked up on this guy about 5:30 am on my way to the stand on Thursday.. He is about 500 yards off a highway and didn't have any holes in him. So, he is either one that got hit by a car or maybe died from rut stress. Didn't have any pictures of him this year at all. Very cool rack with lots of junk..(check out the curly cue on the right side by the brow tine.. Judging by the amount of mud on his face and how frozen he was, he probably died 1-2 weeks ago..


I've only been hunting this property for 2 years and running cams for one year. Never seen him before.. the 3 farms that border this property don't allow any hunting so I'm sure he came from one of them. That left side had a broken split G3 and is all sorts of palmated..
Thats a nice buck. A trophy to anyone for sure. I hope you got yourself a savage tag and make a Euro out of him.
Really nice buck

Scoffin: I think that is the buck I shot at, geez I can't believe he traveled over 20 miles to where you were hunting, no holes in him, I must have just scared him to death...! I'll pick him up sometime next spring when I am down for turkey hunting.


All kidding aside, that is a dandy!
He looks to be in decent shape in terms of a deer that may have been in a collision with a car. It looks like his legs aren't broken and doesn't appear to have any marks/cuts/etc on his exposed side either.

Makes me think he wasn't the victim of a vehicle impact.
Awesome buck for sure! To bad you found him like this. Looks like his spine is showing abit. wonder if he was sick? Being in the water like that i dont know if he would break down or not.
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