Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Found Large Bait Pile!!!!


Active Member
My dad had the ride of his life tonight when pulling a grain wagon with his truck and a tire blew on the wagon. He happened to be going down a fairly steep gravel hill when it went. The wagon just pushed his truck around like a toy until it hit the ditch, flipped and snapped off the wheels on the wagon. He thought for sure the truck was going to roll and he was dead. He got lucky.

Needless to say he is now known as the biggest baiter in the county lol. They got most up with a grain vac but there will be about 100 bushels of corn in the ditch when its all said and done. If anyone needs any corn for cameras, I know where to get it between Muscatine and Bluegrass lol.

HMMMMMMMM! Seems to be going around!!! Heard there was one did the same in my area!!!!!:confused: Little south of there tho!!!
Glad your dad is safe! people will be showing up with shop vacs trying to make a buck off that.
Yeah its a bad deal. His clutch went out in his grain truck and will be completely repaired tomorrow. He was just trying to get some in tonight trying to get it done before his rut vacation.
Bad deal, glad he is alright though. Would be a heck of a spot for some coon traps this weekend! :way:
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