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Four Wheelers, Anyone know


PMA Member
Anyone know if a four wheeler has to be registered with the DNR if it is only going to be used on private ground? I was told no before and am having a discussion with a guy at work that says it does. I don't think it has to be and am using the example that I know plenty of people that have never registered their boat with the DNR as it setting on their private pond and never leaves. I have sent an e-mail to the DNR to find out for sure, but curious if any one knows the regulation.
Nevermind, I just found it in the regs and i am right. If it is to be operated for agricultural purposes or solely on private ground it does not need to be registered.

Registration Exemptions
Registration is not required for the following machines:
  • Owned by the United States, this state, or another state, or by a governmental subdivision thereof, and used for enforcement, search and rescue, or official research and studies, but not for recreational or commercial purposes.
  • Used for agricultural purposes are/or solely on private property.
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