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Freakin Ticks


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or are there an excessive amount of them this year. The last two times I have been out helping people with the Turks I bet I have pulled in excess of 40 off of me. Heck they are so bad they are just crawling across my dashboard in the car.
I caught two crawling on me Saturday before they got screwed in. Sunday afternoon had one just getting attached. Monday morning on the way to work one was crawling across the sun visor of my car. I'd say there are a few of them out there this year.
pulled one off last night. He was pretty attached. Wondering if I got the head out. Hate them suckers.
My observations are too that we have an abundance of these buggers this year too. I had one on me in March already and several since then, including a couple of "lock-ons". My theory is the mild winter did nothing to kill 'em down this year and this will be a banner tick year.

I have found that the permanone spray is quite effective, I just normally do not have to use it until later in April. This year, it is necessary in early April unfortunately.
I have had good luck wearing the under amor type first layer... Or, I just stink bad enough they don't come near me...
I took an army of 8 off Friday afternoon. They were all in line crawling up my right leg. I can still feel them on my leg.
underarmour tucked in, with socks rolled over the outside of the ankles works wonders... thus far i've been lucky.
Permanone is only sprayed on your clothes. Spray your stuff good the night before and let it dry. Don't put it on your skin. We used it again this year. Not one tick on me. The turkey my dad shot had about 50 ticks on it. That was very nasty. They were buried into it's head and neck skin. Even under the feathers. I hate ticks and got lucky. I did, however, end up with a nice case of poison ivy. Go figure.
I completely agree with you! I had 9 of them crawling on me that I pulled off over the weekend. They are very thick this year....two of my friends who I talk to also saw a lot of ticks. Looks like i'm going to have to pull out the tick repellant for 4th season.
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