My dad called me the other day and told me he got a good picture of a big buck. Fred (scott ic) said he claims this buck for next year. All kidding aside, what would you guys guess for a score and age. I know, pictures are hard to tell
153" and 3 1/2. Carries good length out to the 4's and good averages on all others. Tough angle to judge both gives that wide angle effect.. Looks like "someone" has something to lok forward to this fall.
Here is a much better picture of it. My dad got the actual photo put onto a CD so here it is. My guess was 160-170, and a 3.5 - 4.5 year old (based on body size) because i know its bigger than my late muzzleloader deer score wise. My dad says that this isn't the big ten pointer that he has been seeing, so it looks like this one is the smaller of the two. Don't worry guys Fred won't be anywhere near this buck come next fall
Sorry to hear bout your luck there freddy...haha but thats one hell of a buck there mikey hope your old man gets a chance at him and if he finds the sheds i wouldnt mind puttin my hands around um either
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