Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Free Corn for Foodplots- Urbandale

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A buddy of mine just dropped off some corn for foodplots, I am a little overloaded & I have enough from earlier in the spring. He had some left over from last year. You are welcome to it, for foodplots only - it's just regular planting corn left over from farmer. Good stuff and good germination (stored properly). Round-up Ready. I'd leave at my door & you can pick up at your convenience. I'm guessing I maybe have around 10 bags? 1st come, 1st serve.
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Are you ever down around Whitetail Archery shop this time of year? I would take a bag, I may be in Des Moines for an I-Cubs game soon too. Let me know, Thanks.
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