Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Free Hevi-Shot


New Member
Well, I screwed up. I was way out of my area for work and passed through a small town and stopped at the local gun store to check things out. I bought a box of Remington Hevi-Shot and mistakenly purchased a box of the 3 1/2" shells. If you live in Sioux City and would like a box of Remington Hevi-Shot (3 1/2", 1 7/8 oz, #5) post here and I'll draw a name out of the hat on Friday after work. I'll drop it off at your location this weekend or else you can pick it up from me if you are out this way.

I would take them, but I am way out of your way. It is my 3rd year turkey hunting, and love it. I don't see the advantage of 3 1/2's but I shoot them. So yeah...Let me know...thanks...Ryan Flugge
I work in Sioux City so I would be able to pick up the shells if I was lucky enough to win.
Know where Toys R Us is across from the mall on Sergeant Road? Well, I work at the Army Recruiting Office in that same parking lot. I'll be at work all week but I leave the office for appointments all the time. If it would be easier for some folks who work in Sioux City to pick them up then I will draw the name out of the hat on Thursday night since most folks probably won't be working on Saturday.

I work INCREDIBLY late on Thursday evening. I probably won't be home until 9 or 10pm. I'll post the name that I draw from the hat on Thursday. Hopefully it will get in the hands of the randomly selected interested person by Friday unless someone is willing to come way out of their way to drive to sioux city to pick up a $20 box of shotgun shells.
Okay, it's 2:30am and I just got home from work and will be back at work in 4 1/2 hours. I flipped a coin and KPM turned out to be the one that came up.

Please contact me via the following email address:


Right now I predict that I will be out of town most of the day on Friday. We'll have to figure something out.
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