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Frost Seeding vs tilled seeding?


Well-Known Member
I have frost seeded bare ground in the past with White clover to establish a stand for a few yrs with moderate results. I have a tiller now and wonder if I should wait to till and sow when warmer. Which produces a better stand? I assume tilled ground. so why frost seed. Unless you can't get soil worked or don't have time.
Tilled stirs up weed seed bad. Granted, I'd prefer some weeds in my "plots". Dang deer seem to eat the weeds just as good as the seed intentionally planted.

Plus a field with 5' tall weeds scattered about also make deer feel safer coming out into the open earlier cause it is not so open then.
Well I have a pretty weed free area I had Rape and Radish in last fall. Is quite new tilled ground, first time last Summer. Was thinking getting a white clover area established for a couple yrs.
You could til it in mid April and plant your white clover with some oats for a cover crop and then kill off the oats before they head out
You can mow them... I'm not sure if that will kill them though, otherwise they'll die during frost later in the year
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