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Frost seeding

I did some today. I’m early no doubt. But…. It’ll be fine & frees time up later I will need for other stuff.
Other than a rain or moisture event that may wash the seeds off your plot, I think you could put cloverseed down anytime in the late winter?

I've spread it over snow 2' deep before. Clover is a hardy seed.
I did mine last weekend when there was just enough snow left that I could see where I’ve been. Walking in straight lines is a struggle for me!
I'm hoping I can wait 4 more weeks (April 1). Not sure how much frost we'll have after that date but average last frost date is beginning of May I believe.
That begs the question, does it really need to be frost seeded or does it just need the spring moisture and temps to germinate and get going...
Regardless, my hands are tied, or should I say my feet, as I'm in a walking boot until March 28th..... sucks....
What yall putting down for clover mixes? Your own concoctions or store bought?? I put 10lb alsike 5lbs ladino 5lb frosty bernseem and 5 lbs medium red in a mix .

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I just called local feed store and they had Med Red and Ladino and maybe couple others on hand. What's peoples thoughts one how many pounds of each variety per acre?
I really can't think of a reason frost seeding is necessary.
First spring rain will pound the seed down enuff.
Clover really doest need to be " IN the ground".
I really can't think of a reason frost seeding is necessary.
First spring rain will pound the seed down enuff.
Clover really doest need to be " IN the ground".
Agree it's not necessary. Just another good option. I can't plant anything else in February or March, so it's nice to get the clover out of the way and I can get other things done later.
I did one field 3 weeks ago. probably early but I was there already to trim a couple trees. I hope to get a second field tomorrow.
What yall putting down for clover mixes? Your own concoctions or store bought?? I put 10lb alsike 5lbs ladino 5lb frosty bernseem and 5 lbs medium red in a mix .

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Definitely my own mix. I used to do all white clover but I’m experimenting with medium red because the white takes over plots I want a mix growing in.

You don’t need to mix white clovers but I like to anyway. I always have 10-20% Alsike because I feel like it does better with shade, like timber edges. I also use around 10-15% of Aberlasting. It’s more expensive but it’s a different type and supposedly really long lasting once it establishes (like Kura.) Have planted pretty much all of the white clovers listed at Welters except the newest ones. I cant tell the difference between varieties so I really don’t know what does best.
I frost seeded all my plots yesterday. A lot of walking and about 40 pounds worth. The forecast coming up for Iowa , now is the perfect time to frost seed. Can't really be too early. Clover seed is pretty hardy. It'll just sit in your soil bed until soil temps get high enough.
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