Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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Someone had started a post earlier on how they had harvested a bird with missing toes and they thought it could have been the result of frostbite. I finally took the time to get mine rounded up and get a couple of pictures for everyone to look at. Tell me what you think happened to this one.

I have no clue but that looks pretty gross. Maybe he was attacked by a possum.....
Thanks for the pics, Tracker. I was the one who made that original post about frostbite. The turkey I took was miss two of his three front toes. The two nubs on the toes that were gone were enlarged and had completely healed over with the same scaly skin found elsewhere on the feet. I finally got my film developed from last October, so I'll try to get a pic posted tomorrow of what I'm talking about.
Ok. As promised, here are the pics. It's a little bit tough to see, but there are two toes missing on the bird's left foot, the middle toe and the outside toe. One the top photo, the nub of the outside to is in line with the intact toe, making it very difficult to see the nub, but it's there if you look closely. Both of the missing toes are headed over into rounded nubs. The nub on the middle to was rather large. Apparently the injury didn't aftect the bird's abiltity to perch, since he reached a ripe old age (check out the spurs).

Someone got "tom fever". Looks like a clean cut from a 100 grain muzzy

If you'd shot him in NW Iowa I probably could've claimed to be the assailant.

Apparently some of our members have a foot fetish……………………
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