Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Fruit Damage:


Well-Known Member
I posed a question about the cold snap back begining of april and if it would damage apples and pears. Just back from my land in Wapello CO. It sure did! I had two trees, loaded with developing apples. Now have a total of 15 apples. One pear left on a tree. Really scorched my Persimmon, and Paw Paw trees that were leafing out. Even saw a old White Oak, that had bottom branch leaves scorched. Those were some long cold nites! I have not been in Iowa long,,but seems to be a chronic problem. Always seems to want to hit 80's some days in March and then ,,you know some serious cold will come in april. Up in N-Mi, where I came from,,cold usually did not let up until May.The longer things stay dormant the better!
Can the freezing kill a tree? I have noticed the mullberry trees around here scorched and still no new growth, so I can imagine how hard it was on the apple trees. The foxtail that was 2 or 3 inches tall then, looks almost dead even.
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