Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Frustrated**Where'd the bucks go?


New Member
Does anyone else have this problem?? I had 5 shooter bucks that I was getting pictures of every other day from Oct-Nov. but late November the bucks stopped showing up on camera. I have my cameras over pinch points and food plots. I have a 10 acre standing corn field with 4 1 acre turnip plots and a 4 acre alfalfa field....still no 3 1/2 yr old buck...I do have a very heavy doe population. Where'd the bucks go??? Do they bed down and not move?
Yes, many radio telemetry studies confirm that post rut bucks will often spend 20 plus hours in their beds or at least in a very confined area unless they are forced to move due to COLD weather or are pressured. Pray for COLD daytime temps and when that happens they will move....p.s. I have some extra time on my hands. Will be happy to sit in a ground blind on those plots and let you know when they start to move :)
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