I took the mornings off the week of 11/9
to hunt.That week there is a full moon.I
have not had good luck hunting full moon's in the morning's.But i have seen most of the biggest bucks during this time frame. What do you guy's think?
I know my buddy and I saw alot of nice deer right at the begining of the season but with the hot weather on the weekends and the full moon lately the pickins are slim.
Blaster, my experience has been that I seem to see less during a full moon. I always theorized that deer turn more nocturnal because they can see so well by te full moon. However during the full rut I do not think you can go wrong. I'd be curious what others experiences have been with full moons.
Just scheduled two weeks vacation in November & made sure I avoided the full moon. I'll still go out that week but I didn't see any sense taking the week off since I had a choice. It would be easier for Scout to help me track & drag with a full moon though. Hmmm.....
My thought, was that the big boys would be running at night and you could catch them moving to there bedding area early mornings.The rut should be in full swing, and the bucks will be on the move as much as they can.
I just read an article regarding the full moons impact on deer movement. According to the data presented they saw an increase in mature buck activity during the night, but also an equal increase in mid day activity between 11:00am and 2:00pm. It was recommended to either stay all day or take stand later in the morning to take advantage of the 'lunch time' move.I plan to be in stand whenever I can - no matter what the moon phase.
I've read articles from Charles Alsheimer to Jeff Murray and some others on moon phases as it relates to deer movement. The one constant is that they all agree that it effects deer movement, the only problem is that they don't agree on how or when. Sooo I guess if the experts can't agree we're really in trouble. I tried once to relate the moon phase with my wife's mood swings and when it got too bad I decided it was time to go hunting, hey it worked.
My opinion is anytime you can be in a stand in November is good. A buck will still chase a hot doe regardless of what the moon does. So just hunt as much as you can during the month you should have some good hunts.
Another good resource is fishbyte.com I bought the program a couple of years ago and it has solunar tables, moon and sun rise and set, pretty easy to use, specially if you know lat and long.
I've found that deer run around harder on a bright clear night.So if you can place your stand between bedding areas the bucks will still be shopping even if the does are down for a morning rest..
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