Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Future seed


Active Member
Hope these guys can make it a couple more yrs.
I think the branch is in his mouth.

Snow anyone? It's been coming and going, next week is supposed to get donw to 12 F one night, I hate the thought of it staying in Oct.

This guy is starting to appear very stout. Love to see him in a couple yrs. Clearly my imitation scrape should have had a lower branch.

Yep those are some nice seed. Don't know if a lower branch would matter. I have a camera on a scrape that they all stand on their back legs to reach. They have tore and chewed it up high now.
You ever have any camera's around Goodsoil
No. I'm 25 miles away. I suspect anyone there running cams is getting similar looking deer.
Some dark chocolate.

Almost a double throat patch.
My Aunt Karen Embree lives in Goodsoil, they have a small beef farm!

I'm hoping to Go there End of February to Shed hunt :D

Nice bucks Kaare
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