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future trapper


PMA Member
I'm not a trapper, but we've been running a "trap line" in our storage trailer where we have all of our stuff stored until it can be moved into the new house. Running three traps and they've been full every day. This is obviously just two days worth! Carter sure enjoyed it!

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Funny...but not funny if you have that many mice going through you stuff. Hopefully you get em all and be sure to have a good shake down as you move your things.
Funny...but not funny if you have that many mice going through you stuff. Hopefully you get em all and be sure to have a good shake down as you move your things.

No joke. We moved in the weekend before Thanksgiving and didn't realize what we were going to find.....some stuff ruined but not too terribly. We are still in the process of unpacking and unloading so there's still a bunch of stuff in the trailer. So we decided to start killing.
How do you skin those?

What are they going for? Those fine specimen look like they could be averaging $0.25
We use the buckets like central posted. We have used soup cans and bottles. Put some peanut butter on there and the mice will be waiting in the morning.
Just finished making one! Couldn't resist haha. Two more dead ones in the traps tonight. Reset those and set up the bucket. I'll let you all know how it goes in the morning!

Curtis - these are big brown field mice so they may fetch upwards of 35¢. With the success I'm having though I may just make a coat for myself.
You need this works awesome. We use Rv antifreeze instead of water. Im sure there are better videos just pulled this up real quick.

OneCam and I put up a bucket like this on the last day of a Colorado hunt a few years ago after finding some of our things chewed by what we thought was a single mouse. The next morning we had 14 mice in the bucket...no lie! We have video proof.:D

The buckets really do work. Two pop cans fit perfectly across a 5 gallon bucket.;)
Not one mouse in the bucket and only had one in the three traps. Maybe I'm getting them thinned out finally.
Last summer I used a 5 gal bucket about 1/3 full of water, threw a few sunflower seeds on top of the water and smeared some peanut butter just above the water. Used boards for ramps. Worked great for chipmunks and mice. Easier than the can/bottle/axle method that I used in the past, but not as cool. I don't know if they will jump into a bucket if it has RV antifreeze in it.

Nice catches by the way.
Better put them in an opaque container, and then mark it as something your wife would never want to eat anyway. Just picturing the reaction I would get at home!

Been there, done that. It wasn't pretty.There may even be pics on here somewhere. Of the freezer not the reaction. You'll just have to take my word for it.
That's some funny stuff! I honestly don't think my wife would really care if there were frozen dead nice in the freezer as long as they were in something air tight. She'd probably say something like "that's sick!" But that would be about it. I may have to try trapping some coyotes. Only issue is my dog would more than likely get caught instead.
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