Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



Bowhunting Addict
As the Iowa Classic is upon us I couldn't help but think of all the new gadgets that will make us all better and more successful hunters if we purchase them....... really, some of the junk these dealers peddle at these shows is nothing short of hilarious.

A couple years back I was at the Wisconsin Deer Expo. (which is suppose to be one of the largest in the country... dealers and more dealers).... some guy was pushing a clip-on rear view mirror for your hat bill so that you could see all the deer that you are missing that pass behind you! He really put on a 'sell' ..... it was nothing short of ridiculous
I was thinking about marketing a clinometer at the classic but still am not sure if I can get it in Realtree.

Rack, you were going to check into that, what did you find out?
Saw a guy sellin inflatable hunters to put in your treestand early on,(I'm not lying, and you guys can lay off the inflatable cracks before they even start, I see how you crucified that poor fella that asked about the clinometer), his theory...... so the deer would get conditioned to seeing a person in the stand. Next they'll be marketing robots that you control from the comfort of your Mossy Oak easy chair, when ol hatrack walks by your stand you can just comand ROBOARCHER to whack him. I wonder if Pope and Young will accept book deer killed with Roboarcher.
"One man's trash is another man's' treasure"

Anyone remember the Accubow or whatever they were shooting at the classic a couple years ago? I think I have even seen a device that clips on your belt to hold your cigarette when your ready to shoot. Antlertraps, Cough Mufflers? When I go to these shows anymore I think wow
, we must have a lot of money to waste in this country.

I think I also remember saying the compound bow would never catch on.

Entrepreneur's have fun showing, we have fun looking/buying. A good combination.
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