Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Gators hunt deer too!


Active Member
Looks like this gator won't need to eat for awhile.
awesome photo, i can honestly say that, that is a picture of something i neve though i would ever see. thanx for sharing!
I think that Shovel took that photo at the Platte River. Everybody knows that it's full of gators, especially at this time of the year. We lose more deer to alligators in Nebraska each year than Wisconsin drivers hit with vehicles. Hard to believe, but true (or at least that's what I read on the internet).
Its really a pain in the butt when you spot one from your stand in the evening. You really dont want to get down out of the stand. But when you do, you make record time back to the truck!!!
Man do we have it rough here in Nebraska!!! First mountain lions and now gators. What next???
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