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George W. Question


PMA Member
Does anyone know a website where a person could get a bumper sticker having to do with bowhunters, hunters, etc. in support of Bush?
No, but Pharmer probably has one that you could get that says:

"I'm a Democrat! I Support a Canidate that Hates Guns & Hunting!"

About as snappy as any answer I've seen explaining the lack of "W" service. You should post one for each of the servicemen killed in Iraq.
My sticker says "Follow me to AJ's Bar & Grill- Mt Sterling, Iowa

Republican/Democrat vote for an intelligent candidate, we presently have a grown up version of Dan Quayle.
anyone with a name similar to my second favorite game animal has to be good in my book

seriously though, i'd expect negative comments on the KU Hoops website (which i visit almost as often as this site), but not here...
thats funny you said that about the national guard pharmer,

I just spent a weekend at Ft. Snelling with my wife and got to talk to several people who just got back from Iraq... everyone of them was a huge supporter of Bush.

There unit is a field combat hospital unit. Most of there patients were Iraqi's that had been hit by roadside bombs and shoot by the militia - a lot of them being young children and women. The greatest picture they had was of the outside of the hospital lined with flowers, put there by the Iraqi people to thank the American's for helping them out.

After 911 Bush said we are going after ALL terrorists and he said it will not be easy, it will take time, and it will cost American lives... he then got the highest rating he has ever had. Where are all those people who supported him then, but now are criticizing him for the war??

Forget weapons of mass destruction, and all that other mumble jumble - we are fighting terrorists! Seeing a picture of a 6 year old Iraqi boy with half of his face blown off by a suicide bomber is evidence of that.

KSQ2 - I wish I could tell you where to get a bumper sticker.

I've sat here and listened to every bicker that people have on this site about the canidates and I never said a peep until now..... I spent over a year of my life over seas in shitty conditions. I know what it is like to be sitting in a bunker on christmas, new years, birthdays, anniversaries, first born child and so on. I also know that what I was doing over there was for the good of this great country and the people that live in it. Before someone starts talking about the "dead soldiers" they should think about the price that person paid in order for us to sit here and gripe about the situation that we are in and put blame on a president or canidate. I'm not hear to pick political sides but it up set me to hear people talk about these kinda things and not stop to think that maybe the soldiers that died, died honorable and doing what they thought was right.
LX, Your a good man. I think the person that started this thread in no way wanted it to become a personal debate on the presidential canidate. I have never voiced my political views on this site....nor will I. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. We all have a common bond here and I think it is time to focus on what we all love. It is very easy to misunderstand someones post. If you want to debate politics there are plenty of other sites that you are expected to voice your opinions on. We are all individuals here....with our own personalities, likes and dislikes. I do not care who you vote for, what type of truck you drive or the brand of bow you shoot. I do care about hearing a great harvest story, photo or a trick that I may be able to apply to my own situations. I have met many people from this site, all of which I consider friends.
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