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Get out and vote for Bush!


PMA Member
Releasehunter, by the look of your thread you favor that eastern elitist, say what I need to, liberal Kerry. You will be dissapointed to know that I cast my vote for Bush, which by Republican math cancels your vote. (Democrat math still gives you a one vote advantage). My 3 kids and my wife also cast thier votes for Bush which puts Bush in the early lead here at Iowawhitetail...
Ok, I'm an outsider looking in. And I know this board will be biased because we are all hunters and hunters typically vote republican. My question is why is Iowa typically lean democrat? Is it the farm vote, holding a grudge against reagan? What is it?
Pharmer.....You've got issues

Regardless of who you like, Bush is still the President and he and the office deserve respect.

By the way the deer are ruttin hard. Time to hit the stand. I had a 140" 10 point standing on my beach of the pond last night. Anyone else want to talk Big whitetails?
TOP 10

From Letterman:
Top Ten Punchlines To Dirty Election Jokes

10. "With a poll like that, I'm suprised he can gallup at all."

9. "She starts chanting, 'four more minutes! four more minutes!'"

8. "That's not the voting lever, but don't stop pulling."

7. "This isn't how it looks--I'm just joining a third party."

6. I prefer Bush, but I don't know who I'll vote for."

5. "So that's where Katherine Harris was hiding the Al Gore votes."

4. "Unfortunately, his margin of error was plus or minus three inches."

3. "Get used to it, honey--we live in a swing state."

2. "I thought you had trouble maintaining an election."

1. "I saw your sister with Mary Cheney--there was no sign of [censored]."
Re: TOP 10

Hey Pharmer, I just gotta tell ya thanks. Seeing your posts tonight reminded me just how important it is that the wife & I get downtown and cast two more votes for Bush. The Dumocrats need more opinionated people such as you! Maggs
Now I'm ready to talk deer hunting.
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