Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Getting territorial?


Active Member
I can't decide if these two were just coming through together or if the larger buck was pushing the other guy. What do you think? The pics are showing the same time because the cam is set for a shot every 15 seconds.

Pic #1
Likely be nice next year


Pic #2
This guy's got a pretty good neck already. Also, check out all the junk at his bases. Interesting character.

not sure about territorial but I would say that they look like they're genetically linked. same style main frame and nice lenghth on the G2's. Nice pics and nice bucks. Good luck
All I know is that bottom buck needs an arrow.

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Yup, pig of a buck. I'd take him
I was out on Monday night and did a little grunt sequence and had a 4 point come in. His hair was standing up and he was looking for a fight. He was there for 2 hours. I watched him rip up a couple of trees. It won't be long until the big boys are ready to rumble. My buddy was out last night and said he saw a big buck hanging with a doe already. I think its a little yearly but who knows.
All I know is that bottom buck needs an arrow.

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Nice pics!

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Might need a couple buddies to help you load that horse when you get him! NICE!
#1 = Walker
#2 = SHOOTER!!!

I'm guessing they're hanging out together also...so if you see the little one, you better have your eyes and bow ready.
With any luck I'll get a frontal of him at some point so I can check out the stickers in more detail. You can see the ones on his left side base pretty good and they seem to have amazingly even spacing between them, almost fan out like the points on a star. If the other side looked the same, it'd be one of the neatest sticker patterns I've ever seen. The pic shows at least one point over there. He may be having a meeting with a 20 yard pin.
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