Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Giant Illinois buck ALLEGEDLY poached...

Like I said in the post about the professional duck hunter that was imprisoned for poaching, "I'd bet some of these TV hunting personalities are sh!ttin' purple twinkies". Any form of baiting, providing false infomation about state residency, or any other form of deception that allows them to capitalize on, is going to cost these guys dearly. Our hunting traditions are being erased because these "Professional Hunters" are being worshipped on TV. With as many of these hunting shows that are on TV, and how competitive it is financially for them when it comes to sponsorship dollars, do you or don't you think that some of them are poaching to create "better hunting shows" and better ratings? If these charges are true, I'm not surprised.
So .......did they trepass/no permission to hunt? Or did they supposedly kill it will another weapon?
Keep in mind this Buck scored 261"! People get jealous, I personaly don't think we can say anything yet, until he's found accountable by a judge and jury of his peers. A landowner next to him could say "He was on my land I swear officer" and it could be complete BS.
Does anyone know what Material Service Property is? Must be some type of refuge/limited hunt, if there were that many big bucks on this property? Wow
Sounds like he was hunting on a honey hole without permission. Plus if you read the article he killed a buck everyday for like 4 days or something in Nov. 2009 must be a hell of a honey hole. Sneaking in and whackin and stackin. Interesting to see how this plays out.
Gotta be weary of anybody that shoots an Elite....... They're all pretty sketchy dudes :rolleyes: :moon: :grin::grin::grin:
and this is why i hope i never shoot a buck over 200 inches because even if you do take it legally you will always have other people speculating over whether you did harvest the animal legally or not
Erick said:
and this is why i hope i never shoot a buck over 200 inches because even if you do take it legally you will always have other people speculating over whether you did harvest the animal legally or not

I wouldn't give a care if they thought that. If you killed it legally then it doesn't matter. I sure as hell hope to kill a 200+ deer!

Mississippi redneck
Id have to say since charges are pending, that there is no question that this buck is an illegal kill...but thats my opinion I guess... now if it was just hear say, from a friend of a friend...cause you know, those people never tell a lie..then I would say, lay off until facts are shown... but pretty sure this one is cut and dry...glad to see people get caught that do illegal stuff :way:
Keep in mind this Buck scored 261"! People get jealous, I personaly don't think we can say anything yet, until he's found accountable by a judge and jury of his peers. A landowner next to him could say "He was on my land I swear officer" and it could be complete BS.
This coming from someone who could identify poachers/trespassers right away just a few days ago. In my "adult opinion", they seem to have a damn good case against him............ck
Trespassing and poaching

The articles states that they allegedly took a combined 24 deer illegally, I highly doubt the Illinois DNR would make this public unless they had all the evidence that they needed to convict the guys.

I wish all states would target poachers like this, trespassing and poaching I just don't understand it? What fun would it be to shoot a buck on a property that are not supposed to be on? Crazy.
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