Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Girlfriend Killed Her First Bird


The Hunt Never Ends....
Took the girlyfriend out on opening day of 2nd season here in Iowa. After a close call with a few big toms, we put the stalk on a group of 4 jakes. She said she wouldn't discrimate between a Jake vs. Tom....as long as it had a beard, it would die.

We pulled out the fan on a stick, crawled 10 yards into the field, yelped a few times, moved the fan, and they came a running. From 110 yards out, they sprinted the first 80, then walked another 15 before one unlucky jake got a head full of 5shot. Alex and I were both excited, and she made the comment several times that it was more exciting than the hunt where she shot her buck. She thought they were going to attack us...I just told her not to miss and we wouldn't have to worry about it :)
That's awesome!!! It sure is fun to share those moments together. :way:
Great job Chris and Alex! I am getting a couple fans ready now. Looks like decoying/stalking antelope.
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Good job Alex, I've had several people miss on those fan hunts because the birds were either running in too close or they were too excited. And I agree, some of those hunts can be more memorable then killing a big whitetail. :way:
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