Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Go or not to go....?


New Member
I'm debating whether I should be venturing out today. Their calling for rain off and on again, the whole day, with the rain beginning to quit around 5 or so.

So, I'm just wondering if it's worth a sit today. What are your guys experiences with deer and rainy conditions?
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Get out there - deer don't care so much about the weather
- they live out in it all-day/every-day.
I think back to it I actually have shot my biggest buck to date in the rain, coming off a corn field heading to cover or his bed. I like hunting the rain, but with this wind it was tough.
went out tonight. didnt see a single deer. and 3 trailcams had been checked my someone else im pretty sure. not one had a single pic on the. on cover was shut but not snapped shut and one was facing away from a scrape i had been watching all year.
land owner let his neighbor hunt the ground for the first time this year and im pretty sure it was him even tho ive never seen him in the timber yet
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