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Good antlers for rattlin


New Member
What do you guys look for. 140" racks, heavy racks, tall tines, short tines. I'm an amatuer all around. I have a small set that I did manage to rattle in a few 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 year olds once. Seems to me even an unmatched set would work well together. Last what might a guy expect to spend on a decent pair. I've looked on ebay but not sure what I'm looking for. Anyone here have a set(matched or unmatched) sheds that they wanna sell??
Any set of horns will do so long as they're not white with age. I use a two right side sheds off a couple 3.5 year old bucks.
you might pop in to the shed forum and see if anybody would part with a couple. i would be someone would hook you up
I have 2 65-70 inchers with a ton of mass that I use
I painted them Green so that way deer don't notice them as easily when they are dangling from the tree. goodluck
IMO, the bigger the better, within reason of course. I rattle two right sides of what would be 150" deer and have yet to spook a smaller buck with them, they really sound good even out to long distances.
Mine are off a mid 150's buck but there is alot of mass. They're heavy looking, heavy feeling and heavy sounding. Cut the brow tines off.
I use a set of antlers from a 130 road kill. Bigger is not always better. I tend to think bigger deer are not that aggressive and are less likely to respond to heavy horn rattling. 130 is a mature enough buck to make other mature bucks currious and not scare off the real big ones.
Kind of off the topic, did anyone read the latest NAWT article about rattling from a string? Very creative. I might just have to give it a try.
Thanks for the replies.

I didn't read the article but does it have something to do with being able to sit in stand and rattle on the ground. I have sat in a tree with antlers before trying to figure out how I could do that.
you might pop in to the shed forum and see if anybody would part with a couple. i would be someone would hook you up

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Heck I would take a couple if you are handing them out!
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