Living in Missouri, and hunting in some of the effected northern counties, I couldn't help but jump in on this one.
I, too, am hopeful that the new 4 point rule will increase the number of more mature bucks to be hunted in future years. I've passed on countless 1.5 to 2.5 year old bucks, hoping for a chance at them later. However, most gun hunters in the areas I hunt are likely shooting them and NOT taking does. The buck-doe ratio continues to be slanted and deer harvested with little six point racks don't get to grow up and become Pope and Young candidates! I'm all for letting them grow a few more years to give us all a better crack at a trophy deer.
That being said, I have a couple of concerns: 1) This CAN work, and in two or three years, anyone want to guess which counties will receive the most hunting pressure? We know where the mature bucks will be. I know this is a pilot program, I really would like to see it go statewide. 2) Prior to this year, a legal buck was a deer with at least 1 three inch antler. Many hunters see antlers (no matter the size) and shoot and count points later. I'm afraid many 6-7 pointers will be shot out of haste and left to waste on the timber floor only AFTER a careless hunter realizes there are not 4 points on one side. So, now the young buck is taken out of the herd and left to waste because someone got excited and didn't count the required 4 points of at least one inch on one side.
Lastly, I'm glad the MDC did not require the 4 point count on the annual youth hunt. I think ANY deer harvested by a youngter is a genuine trophy. Many reading this will agree once you shoot that first deer, regardless of it's size, is a very rewarding experience that may likely be a memory that will stay with you for a lifetime. Mine sure did, a six pointer killed with a .243 on 11-15-1980 at 10:30 am. Sure made my dad smile, too.