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Good news, terrible timing


PMA Member
My wife and I just recently found out we have number #4 on the way. Good deal!:way: She had her first appointment this week and we THOUGHT she was about 12 weeks, turns out she's only 9. Which puts the due date at November 6 :thrwrck: Guess I'm just gonna have to tag out early this year.....
I know, I know. My life must be pretty tough if that's the only thing I can find to complain about:grin:
As long as she understands that hunting is more important than standing in the hospital you should be ok. After all you've already done it three times right? :D Congrats on the news!
Congrats! If that's your only November conflict your doing better then me. 11/1 sons bday, 11/2 wifes bday, 11/4 anniversary, 11/10 my bday (not that anyone one cares but my mom) 12/1 other sons Bday. Moments of weakness all.
I'm sure you'll find some time to sneak out for a morning or afternoon a few times if you don't connect early. Congrats on #4.
One of my sons was born on Nov. 5th, bad timing on my part, at least as it related to his birth and subsequent kid birthday parties for the early years. BUT...once he got interested in hunting and we were able to make hunting related plans for his birthday celebrations it seemed like a good thing. :way:

The morale of the story...start prepping the wife now that you will NEED to take the kid hunting to celebrate his/her birthday, NOT Chuckie Cheese!
One of my sons was born on Nov. 5th, bad timing on my part, at least as it related to his birth and subsequent kid birthday parties for the early years. BUT...once he got interested in hunting and we were able to make hunting related plans for his birthday celebrations it seemed like a good thing. :way:

The morale of the story...start prepping the wife now that you will NEED to take the kid hunting to celebrate his/her birthday, NOT Chuckie Cheese!

That's a fantastic point! We'll see what gender we are blessed with this time. Our oldest (turning 4 in may) is a girl, then we have two boys, 2 and 1 (today actually). My wife is pulling for another girl, but either way I hope I can make them into a little hunter/huntress.

We had an 11/15 baby (opening day of firearms that year). I obviously wouldn't change a thing...but I did learn a valuable lesson that year - "2 (February)+9=11 (November)".

I forgot to carry the 1, gets me every time :grin:!!!!

I do know that certain bedroom recreational exercises in February are now done with extreme caution!
Dang...Number 4 on the way and all gonna be under 5 years old! Someone has been getting after it! Congrats Lyon!
Congrats! Like others have said, all you have to do is point that she's been through this 3 times all ready and has it down good. She doesn't really need you there. If you can, though, set up a conference call line that we can all call in to and listen when you tell her! I live Daver's idea, though. Hunting for birthday parties instead of Chuck-E-Cheese!
I think I'll take a rain check on the whole telling the wife that she can handle it herself. I actually enjoy the downtime for a couple of days in the hospital. Since we've delved into my little bit of craziness within my immediate family, let me give you a little bit more of my nutty family info, just for fun. My wife is three days older than me. We had our first birthday party together, we have pictures to prove it. Shared a cake and everything. She's the only girl I have ever dated. 2 years before we got married, her older sister married my older brother. So my brother is also my brother-in-law...... they have four kids, oldest is 5, youngest is almost 1. I also have two older sisters, one of them has eight kids! Oldest is now 11 I think, youngest is one. They are nuts! Awesome family though. Very well behaved kids, they don't have a ton of crap they don't need but that's probably why they are all good kids. So yeah, family gatherings are rather large ordeals. Anyway, I enjoy sharing the little bit of info on my family cause I am proud of it. I'm sure 7 months from now I'll be putting up a post about the new addition. Thanks for the congrats!
Congrats Lyon! I too have a similar situation brewing. Although mine is due the beginning of September. Hunting season is gonna be a little tough to swing this year.
I was actually just talking to the lady about this a few weeks ago. Told her that the plan was sometime around june or july. Still pregnant during bow season and popped out before turkey. Its a win win :D
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