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From the IDNR:
NEWS: DNR Predicts Strong Population of Adult Gobblers
by Lowell Washburn
Posted: April 7, 2009
The first segment of this year's five part, spring turkey hunting season begins Friday, April 10 with a special three-day, adult mentored youth hunt. The first segment of the regular gun/bow season begins April 13. Although wild turkey populations may vary between regions, hunters can expect to encounter good to excellent numbers of spring gobblers statewide.
"Western Iowa's Loess Hills have absolutely great turkey numbers right now, and populations are also strong in the Northeastern Region," reports DNR Forest Wildlife [Turkey] Biologist, Todd Gosselink. "Central Iowa also has good turkey numbers and populations there are currently above the 10-year average."
Gosselink noted, however, that last year's record flooding did have a negative impact on turkey poult production across much of Iowa. Although the number of adult gobblers remains high in nearly all regions, hunters can expect to see fewer jakes during this year's round of spring seasons.
"Our late summer [2008] brood surveys showed that turkey recruitment was down last year --- especially across the eastern half of the state," says Gosselink. "In extreme Southern Iowa, turkey production has suffered for three consecutive years now, and total populations [for all age groups] are definitely below the 10-year average.
"In many ways, it all comes down to a matter of perspective," says Gosselink. "Although total turkey numbers are down in some places from what they were, populations are still very strong. Iowa's mix of agriculture and timber produce some truly great turkey densities. In Iowa, even the 'down' years are really good when compared to other regions of the country."

Year in and year out, Iowa turkey hunters enjoy a success rate of around 25 percent, which compares favorably to other Midwestern states. In other parts of the U.S., average hunter success rates are lower.
Around 10,000 wild turkeys are bagged in Iowa each spring. A slightly above average total of 12,000 gobblers were bagged during the 2008 spring season. Around 40,000 turkey hunting enthusiasts are expected to take to the field during the 2009 season.
"A lot of people ask me which segment of the season is best," says Gosselink. "I really push for people to take a kid hunting during the youth season. It's a great opportunity and getting young people started is so important.
"For adults, I'd have to say that the third season is certainly the most underutilized. Only 12 percent of turkey hunters go third season, while 44 percent hunt during the fourth season."

Ron Wyllie
Southwest Iowa IBA Area Representative