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Goodluck guys!!


Active Member
It is finally here! Goodluck to everyone out turkey hunting this year. It is 3:55 and we have been in the blind a half hour already. Got to beat the public land rush!! Hopefully we will be posting a bird or two in 3 hours or so.
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Won't get out till Tuesday, but wow Liv, that's dedication. Hope it pays off for you...good luck to all :way:

I punted this morning due to the wind and going tomorrow morning instead. Half the fun for me is hearing them gobble and that wasn't happening today with 23mph.
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I got one killed this morning right at first light.Lucky for me they were roosted in the same ditch i was in or there is no way i could have heard them.
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Setup on the north side of a timber and heard alot of gobbling and ended up doubling with a buddy. :way:
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Well being the early bird didn't pan out after all. Ended up being set up right underneath the roost trees which is never good. Two big bosses that had a bunch of ladies wouldn't come into the decoys. I got them fired up though gobbling their heads off.

The next set up I literally stepped in the blind and was digging out my calls when I look up and a big boss was sprinting towards Sneaky Pete (DSD jake). After all the fumbling around and trying to find arrows and a release he saw something he didn't like after wing slapping the decoy. He ran out to about 30 yards and I let the bullhead fly but barely missed him. I thought I sliced his neck but I didn't. Zach then let one fly and came up a little short.

The rest of the day was a hen party with longbeards.

Talk about a cold day. I am chilled to the bone.
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