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Got a nice 8 point


New Member
I had a difficult time this week concentrating on my job knowing that I would be off work for two weeks starting yesterday. It did'nt help that last Sunday I rattled in a nice shooter 10 point. He was 12 yards from my stand but I could'nt shoot. On Thursday I hunted a different spot afterwork and saw a huge 8 pointer chasing does. Once again no shot opportunity, but the anxiety waiting for Saturday was killing me.
Finally Saturday arrives and I'm out in the same stand I rattled the buck in on Sunday. I laid out a scent trail with some doe in heat lure, and hung the boot pad on my 20 yard marker stick. Before 7:30, I had passed on two fork horn bucks and a small eight point. All had followed the scent trail to my yardage marker and stopped to sniff it.While that was going on I had a big 10 point chasing does behind me in the cornfield, and another smallish 10 point bed down 50 yards away across the corner of the bean field. After that the action slowed a little for awhile. I watched the buck grooming himself and nap on and off for about an hour. About 9:00 two does came running out of the cornfield from behind and 80 yards to the south of me and cut across the beanfield. I just knew a buck had to be harrasing them so I kept looking to the direction they come from but nothing was there. Then I heard it, the deep gutteral grunt of a rutting buck, and he was close. I peeked around the tree behind me and there he was, 15 yards away a high wide rack and huge body. I knew immediately he was a shooter. He walked right under my stand while I drew my bow and he stopped 5 yards from the tree I was in. I had the sight pins on him and contemplated waiting for him to move out farther from me, but I touched off the release before I could get nervous and screw it up.

At the shot I was unsure if I hit too far back as I watched him run off I thought that he did'nt look too hurt. I waited long enough to get out of the tree and look for blood or my arrow, blood I found the arrow I did'nt. I started following the blood trail and it was heavy.
As I was crossing the field I looked up to see the big 10 pt. I saw earlier standing 100 yards away in the field watching me. I thought it odd that he did'nt run so I blew on my True Talker grunt call... what the #&ll, here he comes!! He walked stiff legged to me with his hair raised up, he got to within 20 yards away from me. Then circled down wind and walked away, he did'nt even run. I've got to admit I was a little nervous I even nocked another arrow, I honestly thought he was going to attack me.

Anyway back to finding my buck, it ended up a good shot. The arrow entered right of the spine forward of the rear of the diaphram and exited on the left into his front foreleg. He went about 120 yards with no lungs and a sliced heart.
I rough scored him last night at 143 7/8, his net score won't change much, about two inches of differences.
What an experience! I do believe I would have filled my drawers with an agresive buck like that on me. Great eight pointer, turkeyslayer out.
Congrats,nice buck
,I don't think that other buck liked you very much.
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