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Governor's Tag Idea??


Staff member
You all think the Governor's tags for Iowa will continue? Whether you agree or disagree with it- I can't seem to understand the reasoning of them?? Before I go on, for folks that don't know- Governor's tags are issued for Non-Resident's who hunt Iowa that "promote the state" and "promote deer hunting in Iowa" - they are mainly given out to celebrities or video folks every year while other folks wait several years to draw.

Now, my idea....
Could we make a petition to get rid of this program and INSTEAD give these tags to Veterans coming back from Iraq, Afganistan, etc? The real hero's of our country that are very involved with hunting AND have such a huge problem getting hunting land, securing places, lining hunts up, etc from over-seas. Or even offering this program to disabled folk in general, purple heart veterans, etc?

Iowa does NOT need to promote hunting here, we limit the tags to NR's and are now at a 2-3 year wait for bow tags. We all know about the HUSH program and everyone is well aware. We don't need anymore publicity- this program makes absolutely ZERO sense. Is it possible to get this changed to really make a huge impact & really benefit those in need? This needs to change- many bad laws are changed each year and this could be something really cool if the right thing is done. Thoughts?
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great point especially about the veterens that fought for our freedom to do the things we like to do and we definetley do not any more promotion
Something I had thought of related to Governor's tags is...just auction say 20 of them to the highest bidder and use those funds specifically to acquire additional land for more public hunting.
My friend auctioned one off last year for Farmers Feeding the Hungry and it sold for $8,000 on ebay to a large property owner in southern Iowa.
I'm against gov tags for anyone. (I love the vets idea). Celeb's should not get an advantage over the average hunter. What is harvested here and ends up on the net is all the marketing that is needed. You have to be pretty out of touch with deer hunting to not know that Iowa is known for a high number of B&C bucks each year.
I'm against gov tags for anyone. (I love the vets idea). Celeb's should not get an advantage over the average hunter. What is harvested here and ends up on the net is all the marketing that is needed. You have to be pretty out of touch with deer hunting to not know that Iowa is known for a high number of B&C bucks each year.

That's cause it's not about promoting Iowa hunting. It's about favors. A free Iowa deer tag can go a long way in some circles.
A free Iowa deer tag can go a long way in some circles.
I was under the impression that the Gov. tags aren't free, just that those who get them don't have to go through the draw process.

I didn't think they were limited to NR's, either.

I think they have probably outlived their usefulness by a decade or two.
I am all for auctioning them. Pick a certain number of them every year and get top dollar for them ( as long as the money goes to the right thing). It is insane the amount of money that people will pay for limited tags in great areas. I was just looking through the Cabelas Tags literature and saw that someone payed 180k+ for a limited draw trophy mule deer zone out west. Im not saying they would bring that much money, but 10k is probably realistic.

As far as the state spending the money on more public hunting land, I think some people in Iowa have to be a little more realistic on the the DNR acquiring more land. As of now only 2% of the state is public land, but realisticly how much of Iowa is even available to have for "public hunting"? There is a ton of state ground up here in NE Iowa, but it's not like they can or will go buy up 5000 acres of corn fields in some parts of the state. I understand the want for more public ground, but we have to realize how limited they are in where they can purchase ground. Just something to keep in mind.
I am all for auctioning them. Pick a certain number of them every year and get top dollar for them ( as long as the money goes to the right thing). It is insane the amount of money that people will pay for limited tags in great areas. I was just looking through the Cabelas Tags literature and saw that someone payed 180k+ for a limited draw trophy mule deer zone out west. Im not saying they would bring that much money, but 10k is probably realistic.

As far as the state spending the money on more public hunting land, I think some people in Iowa have to be a little more realistic on the the DNR acquiring more land. As of now only 2% of the state is public land, but realisticly how much of Iowa is even available to have for "public hunting"? There is a ton of state ground up here in NE Iowa, but it's not like they can or will go buy up 5000 acres of corn fields in some parts of the state. I understand the want for more public ground, but we have to realize how limited they are in where they can purchase ground. Just something to keep in mind.
Corn fields don't have to stay corn fields! Private recreational ground is being planted in trees every year.
Corn fields don't have to stay corn fields! Private recreational ground is being planted in trees every year.

Well obviously I know that and you know that, but we arent the ones that have to perform the cost analysis and compare the price of the land, how much it would cost to purchase all of the trees, labor costs, excavation costs, pesticide and herbacide costs, yearly property taxes, etc., against the amount of revenue the property will generate over a given time period. I can't believe it would be beneficial for the state to buy that kind of land, unless they had a serious amount of outside funding. All Im saying is that I don't think people take into consideration the opportunity costs that the state goes through when they consider the purchase of a piece of ground.
My friend auctioned one off last year for Farmers Feeding the Hungry and it sold for $8,000 on ebay to a large property owner in southern Iowa.

There are two different types of tags that is being discussed on this thread. Tim is talking about a Conservation tag, that is given to different outdoor groups to raffle, auction whatever they want. Half the proceeds stays with the group and half to DNR.

The Gov tags go to celebs, and they are not free. No drawing but they pay full price.

That's cause it's not about promoting Iowa hunting. It's about favors. A free Iowa deer tag can go a long way in some circles.
Great idea Skip, those are the true people that deserve the handout for their sacrifices. Heck even add 20-50 tags to go out to the highest bidder and use that on grants for habitat improvements, buying more public land etc.

They could buy land that has zero hunting on it and make it hunter friendly for the public so more land in IA is used for that purpose. It would for sure be a long term process, but when that many tags are added on the top, it is a lot of extra money for that purpose. 50 tags going to the highest bidder would surely net 4 grand a piece.
There are two different types of tags that is being discussed on this thread. Tim is talking about a Conservation tag, that is given to different outdoor groups to raffle, auction whatever they want. Half the proceeds stays with the group and half to DNR.

The Gov tags go to celebs, and they are not free. No drawing but they pay full price.

Excuse my mistaken comment. "Guaranteed" iowa deer tags every year go a long way in some circles. The NR price is nothing to celebs and political buddies.
Is there ANYONE (except those getting them OR buddies) that is for keeping the current system of governor's tags in place?

Democracy (petition, writing in, voting on this, DNR doing a survey of opinion, etc), justice and support of our real hero's are always real possibilities in our state.

I hate to be the one to rain on your parade, but you might be exerting an 'anti' effort on something that wont ever change. As long as there are individuals in the industry that have a recognizable face on TV and a voice that is listened to, they will be sought after to promote something that is in high demand.

Yes, I agree, Vets should get some sort of special tag offer, or some kind of guaranteed draw under certain conditions. I couldn't agree with you more....

however, the gov. tags are an excellent marketing tool (from the state's point of view) that has been adopted by the DNR and Iowa, and I can assure you that it won't be going anywhere anytime soon. Its simple advertising.... if you have a 'good' or product in high demand, you're stupid for not getting it out there for the world to see....

Rather than getting on here in an effort to ban together and do away with these things, why not put forth some effort in perhaps getting more hunters to take advantage of the Gov tags that see and agree with Conserving and better managing Iowa's deer resource?? Imagine the impact that would have.... Let me put it to you this way... life gives you lemons? make lemonade.... in other words, you would be far better served trying to use this to your advantage than to do away with it completely.

I am not really against these things and in no way shape or form do I benefit from them.... ZERO.... They really have little impact on populations, and no more impact on resident land access than any other NR hunters might. Even without them, these guys will still "promote" iowa's deer hunting, period. Every state and Province has some sort of Dept. of Tourism and this is a marketing effort 99.9% of them have adopted to expand their revenue base. Thats business....

I just don't think they are as bad as all you guys are making them out to be... who cares? Iowa is already known as the deer mecca.... if a small insignificant group of "celebrities" get guaranteed draw, which they have to pay full price for, is it really the end of Iowa deer hunting as we know it?

And, I'll be honest.... a petition to remove Gov tags won't get it done, there just isn't enough of us..... all the folks you would be attempting to get in touch with are interested in growing Iowa's economy and the bottom line. Therefore, removing an already successful marketing plan just won't happen.

-I never will support additional NR tags
-I do not support NR land owners getting unlimited access
-I think Residents should come first
-I think Iowa has far less public property that it should
-I totally support veterans who have been to war and back to preserve our rights at home. if there was some way to support them through a special Iowa deer hunting program, you bet I'd support it....
-I support the IBA

But the Gov tag thing... I see this as a "picking my battles" kind of thing.... I just think you're spinning your tires on something that really isnt that big of a deal.

no disrespect intended.....
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So are these tags being used as a 3rd buck tag per season

Example...statewide bow, landowners anysex and then gov's tag??

Same goes for gun? If so...can't really say thats fair just because they have money or are "promoting" Iowa. I could care less if they promote Iowa. Pretty sure by now people know what we can produce as far as deer goes.....

Surely there is some kind of public document on to who these tags are sold to??
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