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great deals at the classic

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So what great deal on product or otherwise did you purchase at the Iowa deer Classic?........other than the six dollar beers:)
ham and swiss sticks, from the edgewood locker
turkey jerky from the jerky shoppe

wish i'd made it back to the bully's game calls booth before i left......may have to give them a call
I think the best deal I seen was on cuddeback cameras. 120 for IR after mail in rebate and 105 for the capture. I didn't buy them though.
I renewed all of my memberships (NRA, IBA, etc.) They usually make prices cheaper at the classic. I thought IW has had the deal of the year for clothes. Caps and stocking hats for $4? Are you kidding!!! Sign me up!
bought 2 helicopters, long sleeve t shirt from the ross archery booth, and they gave me a hat for having on a ross hat. my wife bought a bone collectors hoodie, im sure i could of spent alot of money there but my wife was with me...took my 2 yr old little boy he is just fasinated with deer, has high hopes tho he says theres alot of little bucks.. one of the booths that had quite a few big bucks, he was staring and the guy said to him you like those big bucks he pointed and said little bucks, the guy laughed and said man id like to see what he calls big LOL
Definitely weren't any deals on Budweiser. However, I managed to spend the most money on that :thrwrck::drink1:
bought 2 helicopters, long sleeve t shirt from the ross archery booth, and they gave me a hat for having on a ross hat. my wife bought a bone collectors hoodie, im sure i could of spent alot of money there but my wife was with me...took my 2 yr old little boy he is just fasinated with deer, has high hopes tho he says theres alot of little bucks.. one of the booths that had quite a few big bucks, he was staring and the guy said to him you like those big bucks he pointed and said little bucks, the guy laughed and said man id like to see what he calls big LOL

HAHAHA! We checked out the deer downstairs as soon as we got there on Fri night, and a man asked my 5 year old which one was his favorite, to which he replied " I dont know. Which one is the biggest one?". HA! Ive created a monster:D
Little OFF TOPIC but I remember I went to the Classic 3 years ago- went to concession stand for a soda (let's say it was $4???), the card swiper thing was stuck- well, they kept swiping (couldn't get it to go right)... Well, get home and I had 19 charges for $4 ($76)- thankfully they reversed 18 of them! :)
I bought a Bully call last year at the Classic. Best turkey call I've ever used. He even threw in a couple diaphragm calls as part of the deal.
It was somewhere in the middle rows on the right side. I can't remember the booth but if you walk in the doors and walking down the aisles away from the doors they are on the right side. A guy had a sign up hanging on the wall. We talked to him and the pricing is legitimate.
anyone know which exhibitor had the ranger that was all decked out for hauling abunch of people to and from the field?
I bought me a custom T shirt from yourdeerhere.com. Custom designed with my 2009 bow buck on the back and front of T. Also having a custom decal made for my bow limb from them as well. Pretty cool idea!
Wasnt anything else I couldnt live without.
I did shoot the Elite Pulse and to say the least, I WAS TRULY IMPRESSED! If I hadn't just bought me an SR-71 that thing would be in my house now.
My parking bill was $6.00

Bottle of water was $3.50

Hot dog and fries $9.00

My time talking with old friends and new friends…….Priceless! :way:
I bought some videos from White knuckle productions 4 for 20 dollars I was pleasntly surprised by the fact that there are no commercials during the show it is a decent hunting show and the commercials at the end were of local people. However my fiance was upset cause the guy skipped over her and went straight to me ha ha. I also stopped by the IW booth and bought my PMA membership as well as a stocking cap my Fiance and I. But the best deal of all was spending time with my fiance cousin and his boy!
My best deal was the beer that Turkeyriver bought me. Thanks Daryl, that was the best tasting beer of the whole evening. You shoulda seen the moth eaten money he paid for it with. Looked like swiss cheese. The beertender didn't want to take it. He thought it was fake.
I suckered for one of the foam deer antler shed training things.. that was probably way too much.. I'm not a chewer, but I always go through the booth for friends.. this yr we only got 1 can.. I remember getting half logs in there at times..guess they had to cut back to pay for those electronic form things
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