Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Great weekend!


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What a perfect weekend in OCT!

Started out by going fishing on a last second call to our honey hole and hammered the crappie and walleye- I wrapped my Jig around the cable and it was the last one of that color so I had to shimmy out over the water on the cable- what a workout and worth it!
I then went up to Ames for a great day of tailgating with friends and the better half- I enjoyed one too many Moscow mules and the extremely classy Bush beer I happened to walk by in wal mart that morning (all while having the Hawkeyes on the radio- great win)
The following morning I took my brother and nephew out- they sat in my double over the food plot- I passed up a great buck at first light because I wasn't 100% sure which buck it was- and I get the text that my brother just smoked his first ever deer with a bow- he was ecstatic as was I. On my way to track the deer I see multiple Hen of the woods mushrooms and pick them as an added bonus-

And to top everything off- the bears put it to the falcons! Couldn't ask for a better weekend in middle of OCT











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Sounds like a great time. Way to live it up. Life's to short to not take advantage of our time ;)
Great weekend!!

Do Hen of the woods start out looking bright orange?


That's chicken of the woods and that is amazing as well! That's way harder to find for me- but would love to come
Across chicken of the woods. Plus hen of the woods will be actually growing out of the dirt next to the tree base
Bears, Hawkeyes, fishing, bow hunting

You must have grew up right.

Good luck hunting this season!!!!
I walked but 4-5 of the big orang suckers a week ago. I didnt know anyone would actually eat them, they just seem too psychedelic.
What a weekend is right!!

I'll have to look for those mushrooms, how do you prepare those??

There are a ton of ways- fry em up like you would morels- make mushroom soup- can em- I guess a lot lf people pickle them- I just looked up recipes online and tried them out
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