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Ground blind trivial pursuit


UL Shelter/Stove Geek
Back in the old days, when the best ground blind made, was made in America, what was the most expensive model the company sold? Also, what did the 1st two letters of the blind's name stand for?
I dont know there first modle. The first one I owned was the BS 5, the BS stood for Big screen.
Well, then why didn't you just state you knew the answer?:D How much did it cost to officially get bragging rights?
I cant remember if it cost 299 or 399 I think 399.
Before they left for China, the Matrix was $399. They took the Matrix to china, the quality stayed the same, or slightly went down, and the price stayed $399. Now, the Matrix is $299, effective a month ago, basically everywhere, and DB has a new blind, called the crusher that is back up to $399. The BS5 I am inquiring about cost more then $399. It was $429
I know it was a big part in taking my first turkey ever witch was with a bow. So I think it was worth every penny.
I hear ya..great blind and it was my 1st blind. Here is one for sale that made me put the post up. I just had a guy tell me that he thought DB's are made in USA and have always been. Lol...no, they just took their blind operation to China, and didn't drop the price of their blinds. They didn't pass the savings of going to china on to their customers; instead they went on 10 african bowhunts a months and laughed all of the way to the bank. Capitalism at it's finest; can't blame them I guess.

Yeah they are living the dream.

Did they both sell out to Primos or just Brooks I dont see him in any of the adds.

Just at local pro shop and they had some Primos blinds there. They all looked like shiny plastic and were even nosey to touch. Junk IMO.
Don't know, but I assume they both sold out to Primos. Their darkhorse isn't shiny, but their cheaper models are and noisy. I haven't seen their new Cruch in person, only pics. The Darkhorse was $399 for everever, and now they have lowered them to $299 and the new Crush is their high end model and it is $399.
The DB line still has fairly good quality.

All though I bought a new dark horse last year and the casting at the end of the rod broke the first time I set it up. They are now coming with 3 or 4 of those. The thing is if they know is a problem why don't they fix it?

Mine is in Lost camo because I could bring my self to buy the ground swat. Just another way they cut their cost and didn't past it on.
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